How does an independent K-12 school or postsecondary institution gain access to the licensed databases?


Private or independent elementary, secondary and postsecondary schools and institutions may gain access to the licensed databases by joining KYVL. All KYVL members pay a fee based on an assessment formula.  

A private K-12 school must be certified by the Kentucky Department of Education. A private postsecondary institution must be licensed by the Kentucky State Board for Proprietary Education or the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education.

KYVL's fiscal year runs July 1 through June of the following year, same as the state of Kentucky. 

Membership to KYVL gives a library access to the licensed databases in two ways:

  • Via IP authentication which means onsite access via any computer on the network served by the IP's provided to KYVL; and,
  • An id/password that the member library may distribute to registered patrons or affiliated users of that library to access the KYVL databases remotely.

If you would like more information about becoming a KYVL member, please Submit a Question.

  • Last Updated Dec 17, 2019
  • Views 237
  • Answered By Enid Wohlstein

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