What is the mission of Kentucky Virtual Library?


Our Mission

The mission of KYVL is to provide all Kentuckians with equitable access to library resources and to a common foundation of quality online information for lifelong learning, working and living.

Our Core Values

Equitable Access

We believe that all Kentuckians should have access to quality information regardless of economic status, geographic location or educational level or attainment.

Lifelong Learning

We believe knowing how to find, evaluate, and use information contributes to lifelong learning and improves the quality of life for all Kentuckians.


We are committed to working together to share resources and knowledge.


We are committed to maximizing the use of resources.


We are committed to high quality services delivered with integrity, accountability and transparency.

Our Vision

KYVL provides comprehensive and dynamic information resources for all Kentuckians.

KYVL is an essential component of Kentucky’s P-20 educational continuum and a valued partner in economic development.

KYVL is a model for innovative cooperation and best practices.

KYVL is known, sought, used and valued by all.



  • Last Updated Apr 29, 2016
  • Views 206
  • Answered By Enid Wohlstein

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